Turtles are amazing reptile species both resilient and wonderfully slow they endure all kinds of changes & survive in many kinds of weather Retracting their heads right inside when they sense danger is normal sort of like us when we feel threatened we run to our safety hiding zone Our hearts are attached to our bodies like the shell is attached to the turtle, the shells of most turtles are composed of layers of keratin resembling the protein on our finger nails. Take life slow and enjoy it, When you move quickly more is accomplished, more is diminished Slow-moving reptiles with cold-blooded metabolisms live longer lives we too can slow down life by looking at things & people differently Watch the way the light is cast on a flower, realize the value of looking Choose your footsteps with intent take them to your heart and breathe Even if turtles lay lots of eggs , we give birth one babe at a time so spend time with your children, let them know they're loved everyday Sign up for meditation, or just walk like a turtle in your favorite spot turtles are smart creatures that know life is short so please don't abbreviate it, LIVE IT WITH PURPOSE, NICE AND SLOW ...