Lost in panic, fearful, frantic, crowds are gone, needed measures for tragic times yet still people recite old lines and let muscle memory point their finger, we're falling apart when we should be together we can't be together but we're still humans remember?
Remember to keep a distance between each other its vital in this instance..
And that a phone call can still save lives..
Stay safe..
Remember to care about yourself.. I forget often.. But its important to always try..
Keep in contact with your loved ones and friends.. Hope has withered yet still can be strong..
We've been there left then there and back again, hell spilled out with a pen, mind pent up again..
Love family Cherish friends
In a darkened tunnel there is light at its end That light is the power of hope.
The nights are long. The day is stress
Hope is needed
Writing for myself and others I do, yes.. But posterity helps drive the hand guiding the pen..
Pent up, pen out I want to scream
To ask why..
To force it to be a dream..
You aren't alone.. Nights can take you..
Don't let the darkness win It may be an old friend But visiting seldomly is the best option..
When you visit every night? Time passes painfully and this you know