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Jul 2020
A shadow whines like shadows do
sick indulgence preambles of a dunce wise
in lucid fog a **** rat takes the orators lectern
giving a diagnosis of the white witch doctor's fantasies

Had it be real and valid in factual fare
then yonder prognosis shames all burgeoning misdeeds
of the witless slaves in rags and sackcloth marching to pipers calls
for by days & nights in maleficent toil wraiths are left egg-faced saps

Show me victory of jealous and envious poltroons
simpletons recounting inventory and character analysis
how the spawn of deceit and chicanery becomes all knowing
when all now see and know how their chalice of disgrace is held aloft

Their shape-shifting serpentine tongues
now recognized with contempt and derision by allies
the two-faced clowns now openly aired and seen as laughing stocks
in raging dishonor a shadow rears up to write the prognosis of snakes
Written by
Yenson  M/London
   Ken Pepiton and Juneau
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