there is good news for all the people who are too good and too smart for God: He has no more plans for them He is done with them He is no longer watching out for them
the seals might have finally been breaking, but the racist firecrackers were going off so they could not hear
though the valley carries sound all the way up the hill why just the night before i had heard the sirens
approaching the interstate where the all mighty women flew across the highway soon to die for nothing, soon to die for themselves and only themselves, but still nothing how the almighty women flew
what will you do when cancel culture cancels you and you lose your job to one of those little white/asian/hispanic/arabic/whatever kind is not you kids who report you to HR for being an uncle tom and a race traitor and get you fired because it's the only right thing to do to end all the racial divisiveness caused in this country all by donald trump and fredrick douglas of course