I don't like it when people consider the minute nothing I don't like it at all something is wrong with that belief to consider the small unimportant the microscopic non-existent meaningless purposeless... a figment of pure imagination a non sequitur of time as if size itself is the only factor of what is... dismissing reality is a fatal flaw for when that insignificant nothing infects you replaces your meaningless parts with rot turns your own body against you discards the fabric of your meaningless existence thread by thread into the null-- when your state triggers the process of decay slowly killing you-- while the residual effects trigger the mechanisms of the minds of those around you to start discarding your future-- while every memory becomes thinner when you start fading walking your own path to becoming emptiness to become the thing you dismiss to become dismissed from reality from life but slowly enough to realize you want to live to have that thing you didn't believe... existed--
you will beg for something and receive true nothing
Mmm... My mind teeters between the meaning of life at the micro level and its effect on the macro.