If I could speak whispering words what would I tell you? I've been used since birth till death it will continue
I've seen spring summer autumn winter too naked to life's elements
I do not feel I'm dead to the touch I used to sit in a fantastic forrest flush I longinly long for those days when I felt the wonderful wind Blow throw my spindly hair
Oh but it's gone Instead I'm listening to tales and weary woes of wars had Scars left Tales of the neighbours wife and wee jimmys strife What a life
The days I long for.. when families come with love and laughter Galant giggles Tenacious tickles Forever times but soon they depart as I'm left enchanted longing for the next encounter
But sometimes.. I'm as lonely as lonely gets the lost key never found Shrouded in a coat of sadness Oh how I miss the place that I grew up now I solemly sit on all fours as if the statue of grey friars Bobby planted without roots
My only solace Is the families fun My only.. My only