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Jun 2013
I died before I was born
And I cried when you slipped away....

We didn't know it, but we felt it
We didn't know, yet we felt it
We didn't know it, then we felt it
And when we felt it, then we knew
Oh, we knew
Yes, we knew....

Let's slip outta this time, back into the collective
Let's slip outta this time, back into the colle-ective!

So long ago, together in the nebulae
Had we passed each other then, bonding in spirit?
'Cause I felt myself dying, when you were born
When you slipped out of the conscious collective.....into the human race.

Here, where there's no time, but when it came
There came the wait...oh, and the weight
For, in slipping out of the collective, distracting the soul
You slipped away from me, till we met again.

And so, we're no longer out of the collective....

S T, 6 June 2013
Written so long ago.

Inspired partly by "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley...and The Outer Limits.

I enjoy reading and movies, sci-fi and overcoming improbability ..... amongst other things :)


'no poet'

yes, no poet stands here in this place
just a tryer, passing off colourful words
into sepia images
no longer feeling so desperate to prove
oh, it really matters no more... poet stands here
upon the appointed hour, bird flies
like a built-in metronome abides
the call to destiny is made...

stepping out yet still there
alone now, the breeze now opens
felt unbroken flow

come, please .....take me hand

Written by
st64  flaming arrow
(flaming arrow)   
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