I kept a quarter in a drawer next to my bed for when I made decisions that hurt my head where each choice came at great cost to my sanity so I flipped a quarter to cheapen the price to twenty-five cents and I said it's just common sense keeping innocence but it's ignorance and guiltlessness that I wanted for me. When a quarter felt too heavy I moved on to a dime because it was lighter than its cost and fit my indecisive crime but I find I tossed it too high and couldn't always catch it so it clattered to the floor and rolled beneath my dresser and maybe if I left it there, my decision-making stressor would disappear like the dime then I could quit Yet decisions kept on coming and so a nickel would have to do five-cent choices should be worth less than dimes too and yet again, I couldn't bear the weight of my choice. So instead I flipped two pennies, to get my two cents in. One landed heads, the other tails, and I still have a decision. I can't keep flipping coins to replace my voice. My treasure trove of choices worth less than the ones before because they're all plastic, made so I don't have to endure the weight of cost so I selfishly kept on flipping all these coins and kept on wishing they would never land. Fifty-fifty, leave my choice to chance, take it out of my hand. If my coins never land, then my decisions cost me nothing.