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May 2020
सुर्बल का तो यह धर्म है
कि वह दुर्बल को बलवान बनाए,

परंतु यदि सुर्बल अपनी असुरक्षा के कारण
दुर्बल को और दुर्बल बनाए,

तो ऐसा मनुषय सुर्बल कहलाने योग्य ही नहीं है।

~ S.G
13th May, 2020
Meaning Of Power
It's the responsibility of the strong to make the weak feel stronger,

But if the strong tries to make them feel more weak,
(because of his insecurity)

Then such a person doesn't deserve to be called strong.

I just heard this today and couldn't get it out of my head so sharing it here. :)
Written by
Sushmita  22/F/Mumbai, India
(22/F/Mumbai, India)   
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