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May 2020
Him with his beautiful hair that he always covers with a hat
Him with his beautiful gap-toothed smile that he thinks is nothing special
Him with the passionate light in his eyes when he speaks of what he loves
Him with his scratched up guitar strumming hands that he thinks aren't masculine enough
Him with his giant personality that he thinks is impossible for anyone to love
Him with his contagious laughter that he's embarrassed of
Him with his angelic and addictive voice that he thinks shouldn't be heard
Him with his riddles and jokes that he uses to hide his troubles
Him with his loud and heavy music that he listens to to make sense of himself
Him with his big and delicate heart that he tries not to share often
Him with the greatest light I've ever known inside him being hidden by the darkness of his sadness
Him with his past that he thinks makes him broken
Him with his love for me...whoa
His love...that is so very pure, and so very perfect
Written by
Becca  24/California
   Holly D
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