We stood on the driveway today at dawn Candles in hand, as the boy down the road played The Last Post, imperfectly but with such a beautiful heart
We stood on the driveway today With rosemary for remembrance and red poppies too Pinned to our chest. as birds flew over head
We stood and remembered the sacrifice and courage We stood and remembered those who did not return those who did but left brothers and mates behind Those who fell, those who returned injured In body or mind.
The dawns gentle light watching over us all as we looked to the left and the right to see neighbors all Standing in their driveways Gifting our diggers the respect they are due for the service they gave to the countries they love
We stood and gave thanks as the last trumpet note died and the kookaburras called Australia the nation stood tall
Because of the pandemic and associated restrictions with regard to gathering of any type other than households The usual ANZAC Day comemerative parades could not take place..instead it was suggested we "Light up our driveways " ie wake for the dawn service normally 5.30 to 6 and stand with lit candles in driveway as the service took place.(over radios and TVWifi Hookups) . Our street (all of our street)did this not by any group plan but by each family deciding to stand and honour those who fought in battles for our nation and others throughout our history ...I am so proud that every house represented ..it was a sacred time... One that my words fail to do justice to...