I looked at my skin. I embraced it. Proud to be within it. Very proud to wear it.
It doesn't offend me. As it does them. And as it does they can't give a good logical reason.
I look at my skin. I enjoy it. Not once has I explored it. I know my greatness.
Obama, Martin, Malcolm Barbara Jordan, Shirley Chilsom, Michelle has represented us pretty well.
Oh, I'm not shocked that they steal from us. We just an amazing and creative race. George Wahington Carver, W. E. Dubois, and Madame C J Walker left an amazing legacy.
Then there is Charles Drew and military Black Panthers squad. Yes, when history books deny us. We have others to uplift us.
Oh, I look at my skin and not shocked. Sarah Vaugh, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, and Lena Horne. Hell, even the mobsters needed us. Just Too much talent to ignore.
Heck, I just look at my skin and realize the truth. To be proud of yourself means be proud of your race. We have done things others can't accept.
And we are the only race in existence many try to be. We had the greatest called Muhammad Ali.