Have you noticed? Stocks are up. Some big bets paid off.
All the little, sub-ten-mil annual gross, bets... all of those sold for a dime on the dollar,
betcha dollar to a donut,
'go y'one betta, if y'got the nerve
le's race all the way to
the vaugus nerve curve under the aortal arche
and splash
sea of senseless geek gobble dee ****, the actual stuff,
wondering if we, me and you dear reader, we are in this thing together
DEFINE THIS then define thing and forgive my shouting, in a two d realm
we have two - near ly two gazillion but we made adifferentiantion error shunning was stunning and so on messed up references, became re-fer inferences and our code was banned as potscum.
When a non human entity owns all the data, that non-human entity owns all the distribution of goods conducive to growth
algorithms risc'ing simple simon mother may I for long long long strings theorectically dangling post cancelation
anomo anomo ono anamo arizen is secret poet code, moly, drop a lode mother
may I, remind, re-mind, re mind you, may is your word now. Since April, 2020. Use it well.
Another shockingly wonderful day, when I wish I could hug some body.