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Apr 2020
Innocent watchers
of a time we didn't choose
life, all said and measured
despite its then downside
didn't paralyse
the doors of freedom
were wide open
the day didn't agonise-

never mind
the fatigue
the weight
of an unfulfilled day
drank beer
had a smoke
cracked a silly joke
played poker
till after midnight
betted a buck
in the Sunday races
all legitimised-

my wife said
during the weekend
go and buy
some fertilisers
the plants look
quite needy and sick
after that
drop at baker's
as always
the shop
is called Paradise-

oh, I forget
jam and butter too
you never managed
without them
I could see
from your dissatisfied eyes-

Saturdays Eugene
would ring:
buddy fishing-time
same spot
bring tuna-sandwiches
your wife's always
the best
don't forget the beer
mackerel and bream
would be our dinner's prize-

( that was before
The Terror struck
  after which left
  us all unstuck)

who would not remember
December 2019?
what a dreadful scene
in a faraway land
who would bother
looking back
who would comprehend?

Wrathful watchers
it's April 2020 now
reluctant prisoners
life has led us down!
Written by
Dr Peter Lim  M/Victoria, Australia
(M/Victoria, Australia)   
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