Somewhere within the levels of the conscious between the bowels of the deep and the deepness of my thought I am caught in the secrets that I keep in the darkness of my sleep where I cry in waterfalls of tears and joy the unhappiness of fears employ and use me in perpetuity, or so it seems.
These dreams see fit to haunt me and sleeping draughts have no effect. This dissatisfaction that I feel peels away and when the day has come I wonder wonder why the sun still lights the sky and wonder why it does not light my heart. Do I need to look upon the charted stars up there to understand myself and know just where and when I go to then will that make me a better man if I learn to understand the master plan and is there such a map.
Mother says, 'I need a slap to wake me up' but I think that's a fallacy dreamers like me need no such thing.
Each morning I bring a bucket to the well with wishes in my head and these are fed up through the day into my conscious thought and once again I find I'm caught my thoughts should pay attention to what is going on before I even know it the fleeting hours have run away and gone.
The night would say, 'it serves you right you've got what you deserve, I reserve the right to kick against the night and rest my case.