Old boomer story, I have two pre boomers left alive,
among men who claim to have known me when.
Soon enough their side of this story will be gone,
and mine will be main,
ever after.
That's how chapters work in the book of life.
Many ways, manifold, aye, yess mirror in mirror,
infinite loops are possible to imagine,
but you can't realize one for more than an hour, try.
My chapter includes you and those two old guys when they were
five and six years older than me, the big kids,
but my uncle and my cousin,
who taught me all I ever learned about survival of the fitist.
Pick on somebody smaller, big fish eats the little fish,
toddler boy chokes the cat and big boy laughs.
I was the only one who did serious time,
and HMMM self analysis bump in the views, we may have
felt an earth quake, just after seven, yes
in the desert, west of the Blythe intaglios, yes
peak super bloom about two weeks, a guess, maybe sooner
-- end call
my truth made me free and you don't know if that's a lie,
and that could be funny,
under these circumstances, you might know.
odd the things we think true when we are old and recall a missed connection