Silence now, No drums No sounds of marching bands Only silence The faint sounds of crying across a proud land
A feeling of national loss, bewilderment An act that has cut a nation to the quick The slaying of a valiant heart by cowards Valiant as his brotthers and sisters in arms
They do what many could not comprehend Their life in the balance, daily Yet they fight to protect innocents They risk all to protect those with nothing Give everything for the greater good
Mourn our drummer for he is OUR drummer Remember him as that Remember him as a man with pride Passion principle and virtue
A man who gave it all for OUR safety For our country For his family For love of good in this world
Do not be silent Shout his name from roof tops Write it down read it out loud For when a warrior is spoken of He is remembered
The next time the drums beat it will be in lament Marching will be heard that day The feet of man woman child Christian Muslim bhudist all creeds all faiths
He shall be mourned as a King Streets lined by his family his people The British people in their thousands Defiant resolute and thankful
Drummer Lee Rigby, remember his name For today we lost a part of My England Let it not be in vain