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Mar 2020
    The might of all atom bombs built,
    The anger of that roaring crowd,
    The serpents of the Demon King
    And the fury of this God, aloud.

    Contagion at its peak, dispersed
    The idiocy of Trump's excess,
    Mangled woes confusion strewn
    Across his halls of hateful stress.

    Tip toe-ing on the razors edge
    Are they who pull the dragon's tail,
    Caressing mania's nuclear switch
     Stroking Armageddons grail.

    China loathes the round eye's gall
    Russia loathes emergent *****,
    Jew and Arab locked in battle
    Primal world's pervading stink.

    Yet, tho they try in years that span
    They fail to sink the ship of man...
    A microbe, now, in the flick of an eye
    lays global, mankind


    As at 27 March 2020 New Zealand has 368 confirmed souls infected with the pandemic Corona virus, Covid 19. All surviving at this time.

    The planet, since December 2019 has had over 531,819 infected and approximately 24,000 dead to date.

    Because it is an animal virus man has no antibodies to effectively combat it. There is no treatment known nor, as yet, is there a vaccine.

The contagion continues to spread across the globe with lightning speed enhanced by the ineptitude of politicians, boneheaded people who refuse to isolate and idiots who will never comply with the rules as long as their oversized backsides point to the ground.
Marshal Gebbie
Written by
Marshal Gebbie  79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ
(79/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ)   
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