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May 2013
I was upstairs doing science
I came down for a break
I had sixty seconds to eat a snack
So I fixed myself a shake.

I sipped for fifteen minutes
Then my mother said, "Alright.
It's time to go upstairs to work
or we're gonna have a fight

I looked up at the clock
and I said to mom, "Already?
I still have fifty seconds left
and I still want some spaghetti."

I went to my computer and
I played a fishing game.
I played for twenty minutes
till my mom called out my name

"It's time to go upstairs, my dear!
The day is near its end!"
I still had forty seconds, though
and emails left to send

I sat down on the piano bench
and played the whole book through.
My birds began to chirp and tweet
I clapped my hands and stomped my feet.

My mom began to scream and shout
"Get up, go work, or you'll be out!"
"I only played six songs you know!
I've thirty seconds left to go!"

I opened the door
and stepped quickly outside
I searched for ten minutes
for a good place to hide.

I heard some rustling
very nearby and
a short moment later,
my mom cried out, "WHY??"

"You're deliberately wasting!
Go on! Do your school!
You're driving me crazy!
I'm starting to drool!"

"Please mom, come on!
I thought you were smart.
I've got twenty seconds,
I think I'll do art!"

I got out my pencils,
crayons and paint
I scribbled on paper.
My mom, she felt faint.

"You're getting me mad!
My hair's turning grey!
My skin's turning purple!"
She started to say.

She collapsed on the floor
and screamed ****** ******.
I think everyone in the world
could have heard her.

"Why aren't you working?
I really don't know!
Waiting for you is like
watching grass grow!"

My painting of oranges,
roses and pears,
was super fantastic
but mom didn't care.

I cleaned up the brushes
and rinsed out my hair.
And all this I did
with ten seconds to spare!

I looked out the window,
the sky was pitch black.
The day, it was over,
there's no turning back.

My science, unfinished,
my math stayed undone.
My mother lay limp,
but at least I had fun!
Cailey Weaver
Written by
Cailey Weaver  22/F/Florida
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