I pray this pupil’s prayer, penitent for desiring an end to this madness of clearing away snow, only to find more, compact, beneath the loose surface No two snowflakes alike each snowflake falls with grace absorbed by tuition fees, books, books, books! O the books pour down clusters of refurbished cognitive technicalities Each unique in its crystal formation drench my shoes to full with repositories of Professor gods’ wounded knees and sore egos do I leggo my Eggo to feast on academia’s wine glut on the ambrosia of fine whine? What privilege to live in Snowflakia the snowbanks are too high, Sir! -still I climb, seeking purchase- It takes too much time! -yet I wade through the drifts- of alabastards’ Judas kiss A Snowflake ingrate nation in turn taken for madness I cannot find a flick to fling away wet sopping masses of absence from classes brain drain juices taste like molasses I revile the texture of their pasty *****... You haven’t a chance in Hell- -Ye Gods! Mea Culpa! I am sorry, O Ponderous Purveyors, for my blasphemous prayers I will see the glass is full of wine not molasses, I will be a good snowflake and fall into my pre-planned place Your liquid body will purify the well I want to fall with grace so I may rise without disgrace. ~ NM 02/04/19