In a realm of two moons and three suns not afraid to be besieged by everlasting brightness, where everyone speaks from their heart spires and devils and scorpions cavort with sprites, magic coexisted with every day miracles. People would cross on invisible bridges as easily as Jesus walking on water, on their way to their great soul’s quest.
Now as tablets led to handwriting and then to thousands of computer fonts, where seeking adventure becomes short code for finding death and despair, where sprites now dine on pixie sticks and fairies no longer spread their dust, where those who believe in magic are greatly outnumbered by those who don’t, where everyone’s top half exists with their bottom self wandering about and never finding each other, where wizardry is replaced with technology- the common light bulb and automobile- is when wonderment gets consigned to the bottomless pit of foolishness.
Then magic waits in hidden castles, patient not for those who have it and don’t see it, but those who need it the most and know that it reveals the truth behind the disguises, waiting for that old broken stead to reveal that its Pegasus and that spell they chanted to lead them back home to the magic of their parent’s’ embrace.