find the answer, never despair, hold hope habitual
rright use learn of love of life like cloned Poke'mons in the movie, but rreal
first gentled by a feminine manifestion of Solomon's Jah,
that one. God. Wisdom is her domain, patience does all her handiwork and cares for her children, in time. Just in time, each stitch,
each twist of the sweet grass, first lesson learned by maids and lads alike, braiding sweetgrass to tie us to the will to be a we,
I call you not servants, but friends.
There was a wise man who saved a city, the equivalent
of saving civilisation, these days; and no one nor anybody knew his name,
only that he had made the peace.
"to manifest many sons, he said. I am one of them."
A me heresy, mocking a friend who warned me of not being ready for the end of time. Not mocking, paying clown honor to one who missed the joke for lack of knowing even Pikachu, in a Poke'mon battle.