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Feb 2020
Buckthorn, as a med we ate
to ease a belly ache,
cascara sacrada, relaxative
pro-vocatuer, speaker to the gut beyond
first taste, you
buckthorn berry purge, my gut

for goodnessake

swallow whole, don't ever
ruminate and appear
not to know
cow stupid-blissity, duhll, un
to an honest cutting edge, behind
a persistent point
insisting on forming, con forming me,
the ego in main-mode, re

maining reasonable in face of facts,
liars prosper.

Good enough. Now, betting begins.

Will, mine or thine, one is free, the
other is me, a mind in a word world with

vectoring paths into any ever we image,
conversation, forms of words
filled with saliency,
line after line,
salutory aspirations to rise above the fray,
to see,

-- the lie exposed is the truth.
So simple a five year old knows when she's caught.
Willow bark tea and chamomile make me smile at what my grandaughter imagines knowing after a walk with me, in my dottage, in the purple phase of spring.
Ken Pepiton
Written by
Ken Pepiton  75/M/Pine Valley CA
(75/M/Pine Valley CA)   
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