We watched and we listened as He prayed. And we wondered what might it be like ?
to speak with Jehovah - as He did. - - So one night we gathered up our courage and we asked, 'can WE do that?'
And then, smiling, He taught us. He gave us OUR prayer.
And, as if for the first time, it felt real. It felt like we had PERMISSION,
We had an INVITATION to call Jehovah 'our Father'
just as He did. - - I couldn't help but smile when I thought what the priests would make of all this:
What would they say?
Praying child to Father. Having direct access. Forgiveness Without a priest.
And oh the simplicity of asking, of feasting on the generous Spirit of OUR God
just as He did.
He saw me grin and He laughed with us. - - And later, when the others were sleeping I walked and practised this new boldness and shouted through my smile: - "Our Father in heaven, most holy be your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done here on earth just as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins
just as we forgive those who sin against us.
And lead us not into temptation, instead, deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the power and Yours is the glory for-ever, Amen."
I kept my childlike smile. And when I slept I slept as He did.