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Feb 2020
It's Friday
It's 8pm
She just got into town
The village girl just got into town
She watches the sea of people
As they walk by her
They mesmerize her

Some walk fast to get somewhere
Maybe home
Maybe some hot club
Some walk alone
Some walk in groups
Some walk in pairs

She especially sees the pairs
She doesn't understand
How they walk confidently
Interlacing fingers
Showing affection
Being proud
To be in love
In public.

She's never seen it before
In her village it's an unofficial taboo
No one talks about such love
But people marry
It surprises her

And with each passing couple
A giggly couple radiating love
She asks herself
Whether she'll be that girl Someday
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
   Mark S and Roy Lillan
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