Find yourself Even in the clutter of chores In the whistle of pressure cooker In the clash of dishes and utensils
Search yourself In the aroma of spices In the color of vegetables In the routines along the kitchen platform In the rich gravies and the brew of juices!
Look out for yourself In the clean mirrors Along that fine line of kohl In the strokes of the mascara Over the gloss of lip shades In that dot of bindi
Hold on to yourself In the newness With time, space and people Evolve...not change! Molt...not skin off! Wear a new color over the not!
Even in the dark Can you not see thy radiant self Glowing appraised from within! You be your master Look for traces of yourself In your eye's mirror! wedding, there can be so much flux in your living, that it feels a gaint wheel of events.. But all of it is indeed beautiful and in the minute details of daily life, you often have a chance of getting connected to yourself. The sooner you can command on this, the better control you can have of your living! Of late, I am into such a transforming mode.... Enjoying the newness of life and also the path of finding my own different self!!