bright are January's skies robust light poured into antipodeal atmospheres azure blue interspersed occasionally by slow moving cotton ball cumulus feeding into endless cerulean horizons
the effulgent outer world blows into my inner pnuema and heat rushes in melting to puddles of wanting my intended precept of cool headedness
the fires of missing you so blazingly perfervid they strike envy into Olympus Mons molten heart scorching every living thing in vengeance
I am mapped internally pointered by embered markers in all the hues of longing which bleed in through fevered *****
like a forest scorched laid to barren hot dust by racing bushfires time hangs in the heat haze begging for the quench only found in your kiss to soothe these internal infernos
my eyes ache through the dusty miraged heat straining to fix you in my sightlines
only then will these raging fires be subdued
This is inspired by, and a direct 'bounce off' one of Crows poems here, 'Hibernal' (link below) that I absolutely loved. Thank you Crow, for letting me take the liberty, of using yoir poem 'Hibernal' as a jumping off point for this one