I came into this world as refuse, Loved by a few. They clothed me in white And told me to be obedient and true, If I was perhaps God would remember me when it's through.
There are some things you should never do, Break a child is one, someday I'll tell number two. I say this now as one who knows, I'm no longer little or innocent But I won't lie and say My heart doesn't still shiver When I'm reminded I'm refuse. Thrown away and shredded in white I no longer suffice It's bitter and untrue But all those years of guilt and Truth Have burdened me, So at twenty-six I feel ninety-two.
I can't shake this burden, I'm too scared what will happen if I do So I smile and nod, Saying all is well and how are you? My white clothing is in shreds But don't think I've forgotten how it wears. If one thing they taught me it's how to punish myself. I was born into this world as refuse, Loved by a few Perhaps one day I will too.