this soup is too hot this soup is too cold this chair is too big this chair is too small this bed is too soft this bed is too hard this world is just right at least for most of us all
scientists say that we are lucky to be alive that the forces of nature balanced just right at least in this universe we manage to survive a perfect balance of day and night
if the gravitational forces were stronger or more weak if the temperatures were much hotter or cold if the air was too thin or thick at its peak all these essentials more valuable than gold
in the multi-universe theory this one is just right blending all the cosmic ingredients just so to fit for life as we know it with our imperfect sight these 3 fuzzy bears packed neatly in a kit
I try telling you stories of science that make sense sometimes hard finding words meaningful that rhyme words not about love or hate or feelings so tense that fit nicely in the Goldilocks Paradigm