Sixteen bewhiskered cats with tempers sweet Only needing food and tranquil retreat. They try to be good and do what is right But get into mischief from morn till night.
So hard not to adore each furry face Though pranks may lead to many a disgrace Fiddling and tearing the household blinds Until sighing we think we'll lose our minds.
Hearts so overflowing with deepest love, Sent from God the Father of Lights above. Sadly few folks to such a good home give. How can each darling continue to live?
And even though they may growl and grumble, When time to eat tiny motors rumble. Furry paws swat many a ragged mouse. Without them would be a desolate house!
Families adopt babies, fortunes pay, Yet for these wuss pusses refuse to sway. More forgiving than us despite sharp claws, Surpassing mankind's sins and blatant flaws.
Sixteen bewhiskered cats with tempers sweet! What have they done to deserve such defeat?