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Ahmad Cox
May 2013
Greater Love
It can be very easy to
Have those negative
Thoughts inside of
Our heads and minds
It can be easy to allow
Ourselves to let those
Negative thoughts
And ideas to become
Overwhelming until
We can lose ourselves
In the negativity and
Reacting out of fear
And anger, violence
Even going as far as
Committing murders
All out of hate and
And anger towards
Other people that
Can seem to come
Out of nowhere
We all have those
Negative biases
Inside of us and
Even I am not
Immune to those
Negative thoughts
And biases that can
Creep in without
Warning or thought
We all have things
Or people that drive
Us crazy sometimes
Or annoys us for
Whatever reason
And it can be hard
Not to react a lot
Of times it has
Automatic and
Engrained in our
Minds that we
Often dont stop
To think before
We react which
Can often get us
In trouble the most
When we should
Take the time to
See the actual human
I think we could
All take a lesson
From the buddhists
And allow ourselves
To passively flow
Along like an calm
Observer in the sea
Of life and allowing
Whatever storm or
Chaos that life might
Throw our way to
Pass through us like
The wind and flowing
Off of us like the rain
That pours and soaks
The earth and allowing
Ourselves to embody
That peace and calm
That comes only from
Accepting yourself and
Everyone else around you
And being able to have that
Greater love in your heart
For everyone and everything
And when you get to that
Point where you can react
Instead with unconditional
Love for all things and all
People you will know that
You have reached the point
Where life becomes happy
And you find that pure joy
And love and peace and calm
That we are all looking for
Inside so try and see the good
In everyone and everything
And allow that greater love
For humanity and for our
Earth and everything in it
To become all we know
Written by
Ahmad Cox
Ramin Ara
Weeping willow
Sydney Victoria
6 others
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