Opened a book today My eyes fell upon a page of poems How odd, it feels so familiar to me Yet, how can this be?
Picked up an organic instrument And played a song I do not know Whence cometh the inspiration? Only from the whispers of ..... a previous life....
These things I see doing, I claim not expeditious For it's only if and when....the muses decide to see fit A mere vessel to transport what already is there! Every possible thought-combo has its keen template.
Never did an equestrian thing before Yet I find me mounting superb horse and ride Flowing action, wide awake and so thrilling No expletive required to tell of happy lingering.
Going upon the mountain to pray, this day Not to find you But that you ....find me Don't you just give up so fast!
Can't deny strong polarising effect in here This life affords us another chance: second time around.