we're gliding through the clouds we're enjoying the in flight movie we're talking to our fellow passengers all is good at twenty five thousand feet we're all comfortable in our seats the pilot makes an announcement on the intercom he alerts us that the flight is going to experience turbulence the air hostesses reassure everyone that the pilot has been on many a turbulent run suddenly the plane drops down some several hundred feet a fair bit of buffeting is happening passengers hold on tight to sides of their chairs a tad of wind shear is in the air some start praying for the turbulence to subside as they aren't having a stereo-typical smooth ride the plane lurches and dips in a pocket of thick air it is rather disconcerting dropping and flopping so high in the air some ten minutes later the pilot again speaks saying that the turbulence is at end so when next you're on a jet plane don't forget fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride