I jumped off the pier Splinters grazing my feet As my toes lost their grip On the ancient wood I intended not to float But to sink Deep down Into the nightblack sea And I did
But as I sank With thoughts swimming As my body refused to I suddenly knew That everything All of it Would be alright For at the end of the last tunnel And at the tip of a burnt match It all gets finalized With time's official stamp of approval To move on To go forth
But still, I didn't want to swim I ached for where gravity would lay me So, sinking farther and farther I grew more and more content With the way things were With the way things are With the place where were at At this very moment And then I turned Flipped my body so I would be facing My ultimate destination The floor of the deep At first there was nothing Blackness and unknown Clouding my vision Unceasing and all knowing All at once For a long Long Time
But then Out of the black And the blue There was white A white light Small as a pinpoint at first But then it grew And it kept at it Inflating from that pinpoint To a golf ball And then a baseball And then a basketball And on and on And on Until the light Became what the dark once was Flooding my eyes Skewing my vision So bright and luminous But I didn't close my eyes Or even lift a finger to shield them Instead I stretched my body out And opened it wide Embracing this beautiful revelation Eyes wide open Body splayed out Heart beating calmly Blood flowing gently Soul sitting happily And