Get inspired and be in awe of trees,
Tall, strong and beautiful sanctuaries,
Communities living in jungles or groves,
Or alone, mighty and solitary,
A courageous soldier fighting to his last breath.
Trees with their highest rustling boughs,
To their deepest infinite roots,
As they struggle through the forces of nature,
To build their own form.
Read their history written and etched in the disk of their trunks,
The scars, the struggles and their sufferings,
The turbulence and storms endured,
Not to forget the happiness and prosperity,
With narrower the rings the hard-core the tree.
Speak and listen to the trees ,
Let them tell you the truth,
How it survives through the years,
On the strength of trust that God is with them.
From a tiny weeny seed,
How mother nature made each tree grow to its unique form,
Bearing thousands of children scattered around for our needs.
When we are stricken and bicker,
The trees admonish us,
Have Faith, believe in God,
HE is within you too,
And all your anxiety will slip away.