It’s a way paved and trodden long ago by steps as disillusioned as mine, and as blinded by the milky fog filling lungs like frigid smoke.
When we’re lost, we believe it’s the swollen feet and crooked spine and chattering teeth and the burning mind that are our ailments.
But time is our disease, ill spent and driven off and engulfed while expecting something different, something more, for promises not made.
All the while death sings its ageless lullaby louder and louder until the only promise ever kept thrusts the dusty sting.
But I won’t learn. I refuse to pay attention.
Once again, I follow The Old Road.
- by Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
I often write my poems while listening to songs on repeat, and the two I had playing during this one was "Oh Death" by Noah Gundersen and "In The Woods Somewhere" by Hozier. Check them out!
And I tagged this poem as time management because, as great as actual practicable techniques and tactics and strategies are, sometimes you just need to be inspired to stop hanging on in quiet desperation (despite it being the English way).