One cannot promise all that's old Will prosper in this weary spell, Yet if we heed the tales foretold And turn our ears to listen well, We will hear the wind's mournful yell, "Save my sister! Let her be free! Away from this mortal hell— Please deliver the broken sea!"
She gives us riches beyond gold With the faith we will all compel; Each to guard the riddle untold So her bounty will always swell, But men have heard the sounding knell; They've given up hope—none foresee A future moment to rebel. Please deliver the broken sea!
No beauty fairer to behold Than in the depths of her brine hell, For in them lurks the stunning cold That is our sad cause to impel: In stony houses men now dwell Away from the dangerous quay! Her eerie waves meant to repel; Please deliver the broken sea!
Tears swim to meet her last farewell; May she one day regain esprit Upon her throne of pearl seashell. Please deliver the broken sea!