Dear step sister I don't know what I did to you. I'm sorry either way. I don't know why you yell at me And say the things you say. I'm older and much more mature. You say your voice is sore But you don't think to stop screaming. You tell me to slam my door, fight you, hurt you Do what I want. So I mutter "oh I'll hurt someone" And go on a cutting frenzy. Only in my mind, My mind's eye sees the blood. My arm remembers the burning sting. My hand whispers in lust. I remember last time Only that was not your fault.
Dear step sister, I understand you're a teen, But just because you have stress Does not mean others don't. Learn empathy, be kind I don't know what else to offer. Yes, I'd make the Mac'n'cheese If we had the boxes Either way, we won't go hungry. Trust me, you all eat enough.
Dear step sister, I'm sorry for what I've done If I did anything at all.