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Dec 2019
Someone explain it to me plz.

Because shouldn’t the church be more than a four wall building?

Shouldn’t the church be more than 4 songs, two fast two slow and a sermon?

What more can we add to a “service”?

Besides sitting at church, which has become your Sunday football your spectator sport, what have you done?

Who have we rly served?

Missed you at church.. ha
Yeah I must have walked right by the love.
When I was at home crying contemplating God.
Questioning everything in existence.
Being confused on how to open my mouth and pray.
What do I pray what do I say?

Maybe we don’t need ppl in the church maybe we need church in the people.

Go to your brothers and sisters that you missed at church. See how they are. Love on them pray over them don’t say you will pray. Pray right then and there.

Missed you at church.

Some ppl don’t have a means to go to church they are laying in the streets wondering if all hope is gone and where their next portion of food will come.

Instead we can show them that God is sufficient and he can be their portion. Give them some tools. Let them know that God still loves them and there’s a way out.

But you know what....?

You know what makes everything better?

“I missed you at church”
Written by
Sean Rosalez  30/M/Florida
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