Do you think you can riddle me this riddle Do you think you can help me cross the river and not leave me in the middle
Do you think you can stand it if I pierced your heart with a needle Do you think you can wait till it's over and not wriggle
Do you think our night calls can be more than the usual jingle Though It's hard for me to dive in deep but I would if you make it simple
This frown on my face is not becoming and neither is the wrinkle But when I'm with you like an ironed shirt I lose the crinkles
Is it possible for me to get your right dimple I like them and I'm wishing we can mingle
How would you like to remake the ****** ******* Can you go all night or you will fall into a deep sleep like the little
I'm bad at this and I'm pretty sure it will brickle I want a lot, I've become so selfish that I won't even let you nibble
Touch down before take off thank goodness I'm not shiftful Hope I won't kick it the way I was born and bred, single
I'm a thirsty soul but I keep breaking my water bottle, it's so brittle A little desperate, would drink from a brook that has shrunk into a mere trickle
It's sure that we're going to crash if we cruise in this 2007 beetle But dropping a stone in the pond is the only way to see the ripples
We'll never know what happens in Seattle, downpour or mizzle If we don't tempt fate, what we think will always be fickle