My therapist asked me who am I? I am a piece of trash that you throw in a can. You know someone that doesn’t have a label of existence because that person is useless. I looked to my dad and asked him what he wanted me to be. He said someone you want to be. haha I know that’s a joke dad. Come on be honest tell me who you really want me to be. because honestly if mom was alive she would flat out and say it. “All right,all right I’ll say it ” “I want you to believe in god again.” “Me and your mom raised you to be a Christian ;now look at you so depressed And you make me so dizzy. “ “When you talk so negatively.” Now dad let me stop your right there. Woo you had me for a Second. did you forget how my mom died last year. and how we weren’t prepared. And did you forget what happened before that month. And let’s go back to my childhood where it all started. Now dad I see tears in your eyes but, I’ll say the same thing Mother used to say to me. **** it up hold those tears. it just makes you look weak. But I love you of course sweetie... Do you feel better now dad. Oh you most feel GREAT....