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Nov 2019
I am but a faint memory in everyone’s head.
I am yet to disappear at a moment in time
when no one will expect anything to happen
not even my closest friends and family
will notice a change in my behavior or thoughts.
Being nothing important is my only meaning in this world
being blessed with such uncontrollable feelings and emotions.
Depression has finally reached the point
to where I will scream, cry, yell, cut myself, and stand or sit emotionless,
less I am in a group in which I have to talk in.
Other than that I have taught myself to show up emotionless
and think of only my deepest thoughts
in a wonderlust of pulsing imagination
coursing through my veins
with every new soft, cold, long breath
each one killing me faster and faster.
~Brianna Springs   11/1/18
Written by
Brianna Springs  16/F/Colorado
   Bogdan Dragos
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