There is no such thing as the abyss Static, white noise, information overload Analysis paralysis The mind shuts down, but never squanders its supply
I am worn thin I am overwrought and jaded Lackluster and swooning for the mist Yet in the midst of everything, I feel amiss I am the nothingness that lost its place within the confines of an empty concept Labeled the ‘abyss’ It does not exist It is overload and darkness Stare forever and your brain will short circuit but leave the lens behind Retreat into your caves and sleep And your long exposure will reveal light Answers Unlabeled, mysterious and so far out of reach
I am overwhelmed Distant A cacophony in deep space Choking as I gasp for air Dying, literally dying To be heard
But I can’t cry anymore I can’t speak like I used to Can’t dream at all I am the abyss But I am not empty You simply cannot see beyond yourself To know what I hold within my depths