The urge to cut grows stronger by the minute. I don't think I can do this, and that makes me pathetic.
My mind searches for other methods to punish myself. If I can't bleed; I'll starve myself, and replace my meals with iced latte's or eat so much that it hurts to breath and walk.
My hands start to shake as I lock them together. "Don't do it." I ignore the voice, and raid my moms bathroom looking for a razor.
"Aha!" I found one. It's old and rusty but she'll get the job done.
I take a long pause; I am 24 days clean. The hesitation lasts a lifetime, but I set the razor down.
That was one more day. One more day that I didn't fall for the urge. Will the fight always be this hard. I guess I'll wait and find out.