I'm clinging constantly to consciousness For some reason tonight it seems like I can't Seem to shake that feeling like The world is all falling apart While I am wasting away my life Seconds thundering in my mind Like droplets from a broken pipe The roof caves in from water damage...
All I do these days is work, does that sound about right? Am I hitting a little too close to home here for those of us who can't sleep at night? I stress until my tears are shed until my eyes are bled until my lungs are dead People around us are turning to thieves day after day, taking countries by storm Hopping trains, eight-week vacations, nine hundred thousand dollar sensations! It's aching, it's agonizingly tiring and ironic because my mind is still screaming Full speed ahead, she said, the book read, but I still fell sore into my cold bed Because I can't convince myself to stop caring, but I just can't summon what it takes to be angry anymore.
As our founding fathers said before us, "Nothing's gonna change my world."