Oh BELOVEDz Oh my LOVERz Till your breathe resides in my being Let me donate every blessing of LOVE That's the sacrificial cry of Oh my BELOVEDz Oh LOVERz
Let this NOT be here Let that NOT be there Let this galaxy dissolve in the SUN Or that cosmos get ****** in the Black Hole
Let this BLISS remain in YOU Till YOU are alive Let my LOVE be your pride Within your heart,'z core
Oh the beauty of my eyes Take away my name as YOURz Also take away... Every bit of happiness from me Who cares for this or that? Let me be the slave of my BELOVEDz That's the gift of YOUR feet I accept in LOVE
Nature needs this courtesy from LOVERz To give away everything in the name of BELOVEDz
No other birds of EGO can ever stay On the branch of our LOVE, Where the flowers of BELOVEDz - LOVERz have bloomed
My BELOVEDz knows That there is no limit To my nature of LOVING And thus there is no limit To the compassion of LOVE Of my BELOVEDz on me
When humans have not understood LOVE What is the use of understanding life? That is why there is no denial In the devotion of a BELOVEDz to the LOVERz
To get away from the longing and pain of LOVE I seek the hunger of healing from my BELOVEDz
So do not get sad or depressed my LOVERz The illumination of LOVE will Stir the BELOVEDz to shine on YOU
In the cyclone of life- living, work-working The ship of LOVE will never sink Because the eyes of my BELOVEDz Sails the LOVERz to the shores
When BELOVEDz is the eye of the storm Then the shores are seen Within the whirlpool eyes of cyclones
LOVERz protector is BELOVEDz The one who LOVEZ me like no one does Why then this devotees of LOVE Are worried of being without support
Oh.. believers of LOVE If you see my BELOVEDz LOVE You won't believe my fortune Those eyes reflect the ocean And on my BElOVEDz face you can Read all the holy scriptures
Those scented hair That twinkly eyes That God/dessly face That golden skin attire There are so many symbols of LOVE hiding within my BELOVEDz
YOU can read the Buddha In the soul of my BELOVEDz You can meditate and Enlighten yourself in LOVE
When the sinners of life Will be scared of falling in LOVE Then my BELOVED will evoke LOVE spirits in their soul
Let my BELOVEDz Just give a glance of LOVE Even the God will wake up To beg for her LOVE
With every style - My LOVERz-BELOVEDz Took away thousands of lives
My heart stopped beating Your eyes took away my life
Even when you came covering yourself With the attire of life A LOVERz recognized the BELOVEDz With the scent of inner being
When a LOVERz saw, The BELOVEDz realized Both carry the same LOVE & The same soul within Now tell me - why I won't call My BELOVEDz My God, my Goddess my LOVEz?
Even with the mask of life on A LOVERz recognized the BELOVEDz Through the fragrance of LOVE
My BELOVEDz You are the ultimate glory of beauty You are the infinite valley of passions You are my soul of consciousness My source of compassion
No one can hide our LOVE now I'm your devotee and I'm your worshiper too I am your BELOVEDz and You are my Nature too
Since YOUR LOVE happened I do not believe in the masks I looked within the soul And found your LOVE in me
Every pore of your skin Resounds the vibration of my LOVE You need not hide my LOVE cry That reflects from your skin
The sadness of a LOVERz will disappear With time it will be happiness In the heart and soul of my BELOVEDz
Soon my BELOVEDz will call me To sit below / betweenΒ Β her feet To watch that light in full radiance
A LOVERz never worries about the ashes That covers our life & body Because just a spark of ember That enlightens BELOVEDz soul
When the BELOVEDz will come And meet the LOVERz That day on-wards Layla, Romeo, Majnu and Zuliet Will celebrate Eid and Christmas For the LOVE times to come