The story we read in class today talked of the narrator's father seeing his home of Italy as an old country he left behind to carry on with what he started in the USA. I'm not so sure that that's good. When you forget where you come from, you forget yourself in a way. There was a part of you that grew up and learned about life where you used to preside. Why would you want to lose that? Thinking about it now, I do realize an obvious answer; perhaps your hometown wasn't too great of a place for someone like you, or maybe growing up there had bad experiences. In my mom's case, she left behind the city for the country. She grew up in (REDACTED) with people she knew for forever. But she always told me that she knew that as soon as she left for college, she wasn't going back to that place. Having to go out and buy cigarettes for your parents because they don't have their driver's license will do that to a person I guess.
We do these things called quick-writes in LA class which are short, 5 minute responses to a poem or prompt or picture or short story that the teacher provides.