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Sep 2019
what is the meaning of spontaneous,
taking a trip to africa for a month,
snapping pictures of yawning lions is
pretty courageous, a selfie with a couple
hoop earrings that show us that you’re
serious lady that has flares of youthful

sipping a soft drink on a sunny pool day,
sleeping on dented beer cans and green
camp chairs, scribbling danish haikus
when the weather is grey, flicking polaroid
photos of you whilst you down a couple

spontaneous is saying yes to every
opportunity that comes, taking a chance
with a stranger from another biome,
spontaneous is picking a cute shirt that
you definitely need to iron, and going on a
date with a funny guy while you kiss under the

tumelo mogomotsi
Written by
tumelo mogomotsi  21/south africa
(21/south africa)   
       PixieWee, tumelo mogomotsi and btp
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