I want you right now Like some want six-pack abs It’s an unrealistic goal To want it immediately Because many things are needed Patience Self discipline And consistency But I can’t help but wish you were Right here Right now Like some wish for abs When they look at their stomach I just want to hug you For long periods of times Let you paint my nails And laugh at your technique Allow you to braid my hair After I teach you how to do so Shave your beard And apply tissue paper on your cuts Make terrible friendship bracelets And tie them around each other’s ankles Let you teach me how to play a game you like Go on ride alongs where we each gather music for a certain mood And do nothings but drive and listen I want you Right here Right now Like some want six-pack abs But In order for that to happen I need to meet you I need to know who you are Your face Your name Your favorite color Your go to remedy for when you’re down I need to create a history with you But right now I just want all the cute moments Just like how some wish for abs They want the aesthetic Without having to train and eat for it