my mind is so chaotic. a mess. a hurricane of emotions wreck me again and again. time after time.
I feel like I’m losing my mind and the want to know the time and the day. each day bleeds into the next sore. and every night blends into the next color.
how can I miss something I never had? I miss the one called my ‘mother’ but I’d rather slit my own throat than talk to her.
‘do you got..?’ ‘can you..?’ It’s always about what I can do, It’s never how are you.
there’s this box around me. as time passes, it becomes smaller and smaller. It’s purpose being to confine me to loneliness. oh how it feels to be the loneliest.
nothing makes me feel anything anymore. anything different. It’s just the same. the same followed by the same, every waking second I’m reminded of the pain in my chest.
I hate dreaming. those dreams just remind me of a different time. a time where having people who love you was as easy as telling the time or finding a rhyme. now I’m left to wallow and swallow all I have to say because no one really understands anyways. It’s always ‘you could’ve..’ ‘you should’ve..’ It’s never “I understand.”